Console: AMEK Big 44. Amek was SSL and Soundcraft's biggest competitor in the 1990's when this console was built. In fact, the legendary console designer, Rupert Neve, was working at AMEK when this console was designed and built. It's loaded with some of the most advanced technology of it's era, and that tech still holds up brilliantly today. The Big 44 is a 104 input, large format, British, analog console with computer controlled analog dynamics (compressors, limiters, gates, etc.), automation, and the ability to save and recall mixes (aided by the voice of Rupert Neve). She's fully rebuilt, upgraded, and modded by LBA, including a rebuilt and modernized automation computer. This Big 44 has 44 mic preamps with 12 of them being significantly upgraded/modified to provide a very modern, high resolution sound. The EQ section is musical and clear sounding, with a touch of analog color. It was a good sounding EQ to begin with, but even better now that it's been upgraded on every channel with the highest quality modern components. She was nice when stock, but this console being hot-rodded to the max is as classy sounding as any of the top consoles available today.
-Neumann M149 vacuum tube condenser mic -Neumann U87 Ai condenser mic -LBA modified Pearlman TM-1 vacuum tube condenser mic -RCA MC-6301 Varacoustic ribbon mic (made in 1947!) -{3x} AKG C414B XLII condenser mics -AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic -Royer R-121 ribbon mic -{2x} sE Electronics RN17 condenser mics -{2x} Beyerdynamic M160 ribbon mics -{2x} Beyerdynamic MC930 condenser mics -Beyerdynamic M201 dynamic mic -Shure SM7B dynamic mic -{4x} Sennheiser MD421 dynamic mics -(1970's) Shure Brothers SM57 Unidyne III dynamic mic -Electro Voice N/D868 dynamic mic -LBA 57 transformer-less dynamic mic -Countryman B3 ISOMAX lavalier condenser mic -Shure "Ham Radio Mic" (vintage oddity) -LBA Sub Blaster 9000 - sub bass dynamic microphone MIC PREAMPS: -(44x) AMEK console preamps (12 significantly upgraded) -{6x} LBA Super Storm 500 series preamps -{1x} LBA Stereo Dark Storm preamplifier -LBA Trinity vacuum tube channel strip -LBA modded 1962 Altec 438c tube preamp HARDWARE SIGNAL PROCESSING: -LBA analog stereo plate reverb (its really big) -Fairchild 602 vacuum tube stereo HF limiter -LBA modified Altec 438c vari-mu tube compressor (made in 1962) -Eventide Eclipse V4 stereo multi-effects processor -LBA Flux Bender, stereo, vacuum tube powered, passive EQ (Mastering EQ) -Elysia Xfilter stereo equalizer Mastering version -LBA TEQ-1 prototype mono passive tube EQ (based on Pultec EQP-1A) -Meyer Sound CP-10 stereo parametric EQ with Jim Williams mods. -LBA "Big Boy" compressor (Hand-wired LA2A style tube compressor) -LBA 1176D FET compressor -LBA Trinity vacuum tube, passive, inductor EQ. -LBA modified DBX 160X VCA compressor -Overstayer Stereo VCA compressor w/ Baxandall EQ -Aphex 622 dual channel logic controlled expander gate -SPL Transient Designer 2 -LBA Eye of Jupiter 500 series re-amp/DI module -DBX 510 Subharmonic Synthesizer -DBX 520 De-Esser -LBA Eye of Jupiter 500-series re-amper/di ADDITIONAL RACK GEAR: -Behringer Powerplay P16-I headphone mixing system. -API 500VPR -Switchcraft Studio Patch 9625 96 point TT patch bay -{2x} Switchcraft 96 point TT patch bay -Rolls 6-channel headphone amplifier TRACKING ACCESSORIES: -LBA DiVision vacuum tube direct box -SE Electronics Reflexion Filter PRO portable vocal booth -LBA Indirect Box -{x2} Beyerdynamic DT770 headphones (80 Ohms) -Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones -Marantz MP1 Headphones -Vic Firth headphones -Shure SR240 headphones -{3x} Behringer P16-M 16-channel digital personal headphone mixers -{x3} Proline music stands Control Room Transports, Monitoring, Etc: -Otari MTR-12 1/4" stereo half-track analog "reel-to-reel" tape machine. -Super True console automation and recall computer system by AMEK -KRK VXT8 near-field monitor speakers -KRK 12s 12" powered studio subwoofer -Tekton Design Pendragon full-range tower speakers powered by LBA 2x15 watt all-tube ultra-linear stereo amplifier. -{2x} Lynx Aurora 16 AD/DA converters -Lynx Aurora 8 AD/DA Converters -{3x} Lynx AES16 PCI audio interfaces -Zoom H4n portable 4 channel digital recorder -Pro Tools & Reaper DAW's with plenty of high-quality modern plug-ins. |
-2010's Splawn Super Sport high gain guitar amp head -1968 Fender Super Reverb head -1978 Fender Pro Reverb (black face mod) -1964 Ampeg B-15NB -LBA Custom built all-tube 12W guitar amp head. -1970's Kustom 2x12 speaker cab -{2x} Leslie 147 speaker cabinets (1960's) -MESA Armored Rectifier 4x12 Cab - loaded with a quartet of Weber Legacy 12" ceramic speakers. -Tweed 1x12 guitar cab featuring a Celestion G12 Alnico Blue speaker. -DIY 1x12 guitar cab loaded with a Eminence Hempdog speaker. -Mackie Thump15A powered loudspeaker. DRUMS & PERCUSSION: -Ludwig 5.5x14" Black Beauty Snare Drum w/ die-cast hoops. -1972 Rogers 4 piece drum set
-Zildjian 15" A Custom Mastersound hi-hats. -Zildjian 16" A Custom Brilliant Crash -Sabian 18" AAX Dark Crash Brilliant Finish -Zildjian 21" A Custom Rezo Ride -Pearl Demon Drive double kick drum pedal -Pearl H2000 HiHat stand -(3x) Pearl 2000 series cymbal stands -DW9000 snare stand -DW5000 snare stand -DW drum throne -Kangaba Djembe - large, hand made with goat skin head -LP maple claves -LP egg shakers -tambourine -other small random percussion instruments STRINGS, KEYS, & OTHERS: -1976 Kimble baby grand piano -1963 Hammond M101 drawbar organ -1970's Wurlitzer 140 electric piano - LBA modified: all-tube -Moog Etherwave Plus Theremin -2015 G&L 35th anniversary LB-100 Bass USA -2015 Martin USA GPCPA4R acoustic guitar -1996 Fender Jag-Stang electric guitar (Japan) -2005 Gibson USA SG (modified) electric guitar -LBA vacuum tube powered Ibanez SR505 electric 5 string bass -M-Audio Keystation 88 MIDI keyboard -Computer-based software emulations of pianos and lots of soft-synths. -Zither -Armstrong Flute -Recorder -3/4 Violin FX PEDALS: -T-Rex Replicator analog tape echo -Eventide H9 Max -Leslie Combo Instrument Preamp pedal -Boss Waza Craft FZ-1w fuzz -Electro-Harmonix Bad Stone phaser -LBA Thunder Knob high-voltage vacuum tube overdrive -TC Electronics Ditto -Peterson Strobe Classic strobe tuner -LBA multi loop switcher, custom 1-off |
LBA Recording Studio is wired up exclusively with Mogami cable. The industry standard for professional recording studios.